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... audiniui ir spalvai . Pastaraisiais metais pakito mūsų dailiųjų odos dirbinių pobūdis , žymiai išaugo ir jų meninis ... stiklo apdirbimas dar neturi techninės ba- zės , todėl vystomas silpnokai . Profesorius S. Ušinskas propaguoja stiklo ...
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
... audiniui papuošti , pora apgalvio plokštelių bei įvijų , stambių įvijų , gintarinių ir mėlyno stiklo karolių . Tikėtina , kad tai X - XII a . moters kapo įkapės . Perkasoje aptiktas 30-50 cm storio kultūrinis sluoksnis , židinys , 194 ...
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
The concept of «musica mathematica» seeks to accurately examine the intersection of two seemingly radically different subject areas.
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
... stiklo karoliai buvo rasti Baitų kapinyno kapuose pavieniui ar apvarose ( 3-7 pav . ) . Gintariniai vabalo formos ... audiniui ir odai ( pav . 7 : 16,17,26,27 ) . Rodos , jog puošti drabužius metalu buvo ne tik moterų , bet ir vyrų ...
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
Sociology provides an introduction to its field. The fourth edition preserves the lucid, lively and comprehensive qualities which marked the book in its earlier versions. Numerous student learning aids are provided.
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
This third edition of Class and Stratification has been extensively revised, expanded and updated, incorporating discussions of contemporary economic and social change.
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
Focusing on new biophysical and analytical methods that can assess lipid status and the improvement of skin condition, this reference provides essential quantitative information on the interaction of topically applied lipids with skin ...
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
Examining the young adult horror series and the religious horror series for children (Left Behind: The Kids) for the first time, and tracing the unstoppable monster to Seuss's Cat in the Hat, this book sheds new light on the problematic ...
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
This internationally renowned text provides the only truly global account of human prehistory from the earliest times through the earliest civilizations.
Stiklo "audiniui" from books.google.com
Essential reading for students and practitioners of urban design, this collection of essays introduces the 6 dimensions of urban design through a range of the most important classic and contemporary key texts.