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A lot of books on driving are written by professional racers who assume you too want to be a professional racer. Not this book. It's written by a hobbyist who suggests you keep your day job.
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In Resurrecting Bertha, Rob Siegel assures you that this is normal (well, as normal as anything is with car people), and embarks on this journey himself.
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"Wheels are everywhere! Find out more about this important invention."--Back cover.
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In Memoirs of a Hack Mechanic, Rob Siegel shares his secrets to buying, fixing, and driving cool cars without risking the kids' tuition money or destroying his marriage.
Z1 Motorsports Black Friday from books.google.com
In his new book, Just Needs a Recharge: The Hack Mechanic Guide to Vintage Air Conditioning, Rob Siegel details exactly what's needed to resurrect long-dead air conditioning in a vintage car, or install a/c in a car that never had it.
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Highly readable, and at times both humorous and poignant, this is a very personal book that will be welcomed by this popular and highly respected driver's legions of fans.
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Englishman David Hobbs--'Hobbo' to his friends and fans--is one of motor racing's most remarkable all-rounders.
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"Rob Siegel is a writer with the mind of a mechanic and a mechanic with the mind of a writer.
Z1 Motorsports Black Friday from books.google.com
In 1986, after owning eleven BMWs in three years, Rob Siegel sent an unsolicited article to Roundel, the magazine of the BMW Car Club of America.
Z1 Motorsports Black Friday from books.google.com
This is an unforgettable collection from a master writer whose simple adventures of two-wheeled life remind us why we love to ride.