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In Memoirs of a Hack Mechanic, Rob Siegel shares his secrets to buying, fixing, and driving cool cars without risking the kids' tuition money or destroying his marriage.
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Change your life, buy a bike. Become a part of the motorcycle family. Live to ride, ride to live. You were born free!
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Don Emde's multi-year project to retrace the route of Cannon Ball Baker's 1914 transcontinental motorcycle ride from San Diego to New York City.
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Uhrigs story relates how he tackled his lung disease and transplant with the same fervor he lived life. Partners 4 Life communicates the saving grace of an organ transplant as well as the power of positive thinking.
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Presented here are photographs documenting the championship and the eccentric events surrounding it, including amusing competitions and parties.
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A colorful overview of some of the world's most unusual and innovative motorcycles profiles twenty of today's leading motorcycle designers and builders and their unique creations, and offers an in-depth analysis of each builder's design ...
Z1 Motorsports giveaway from books.google.com
This is one of the most significant military books of the twentieth century.