In a medical connotation, MM may represent multiply myeloma or molecular medicine. On a financial statement, you can express $1 million as $1MM to provide more clarity when you present these numbers to your accounting department and senior management.
Sep 29, 2023
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In finance and accounting, MM denotes that the units of figures presented are in millions. The Roman numeral M denotes thousands. Thus, MM is like writing.
M is the Roman numeral for thousand and MM is meant to convey one thousand-thousand — or million. To take it further; one billion would be shown as $1MMM or one ...
If net income runs to $6,500,000, it goes on the books as $6.5MM. The MM abbreviation works whether the entry is in dollars, some other currency or millions of ...
Jul 26, 2023 · Generally, the abbreviation with two M's is preferred in finance. So a million dollars is written as $1MM. One thing to consider is that when ...
The Roman numerals MM are used to indicate one million. Example of MM. Sales of $3,000,000 might be written as $3MM. I have seen one million represented by mn ...
Jan 31, 2014 · From that I see many analysts use mm to mean million. But it is a terrible abbreviation. I look forward to paying someone, some day, say $1mm.
May 5, 2011 · Exactly. It depends on the context. If you're talking about money then 'm' is pretty much standard. If you're talking about scientific ...