Plasma · Activity manager service. System service to manage user's activities, track the usage patterns etc. · A · Aura Browser · B · Bluedevil · Breeze for GTK.
Plasma Workspace is used as the base for Plasma Desktop, Mobile, and Bigscreen. It contains shared KCMs, applets as well as multiple libraries. TaskManager ...
Breeze is the default style for Plasma. This repository contains some parts of Breeze such as the cursors, wallpapers, and the application style. Components.
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May 16, 2020 · Project information. Plasma library and runtime components.
Open-source user interface for phones, based on Plasma technologies. Read more. Subgroups and projects; Shared projects; Inactive.
It handles integrating Qt applications, such as displaying native KDE file dialogs. The theme also controls other miscellaneous integrations ...
KActivities provides the infrastructure needed to manage a user's activities, allowing them to switch between tasks, and for applications to update their state ...
Aug 26, 2022 · Welcome Center is the perfect introduction to KDE Plasma! It can help you learn how to connect to the internet, install apps, customize the ...
May 16, 2020 · KWin is an easy to use, but flexible, composited Window Manager for Xorg windowing systems (Wayland, X11) on Linux. Its primary usage is in ...
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