City, Cumberland City. County, Stewart. State, Tennessee. Latitude, 36.3713. Longitude, -87.63586. Population, 1,812. Density, 34.2 people per square mile.
City, Etna. County, Grafton. State, New Hampshire. Latitude, 43.70681. Longitude, -72.19308. Population, 889. Density, 56.22 people per square mile.
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Below are all the area-based zip codes (ZCTAs) that we've visualized in Tennessee. Click on a zip code to learn about it's median age, income, race, ...
City, Kingfisher. County, Kingfisher. State, Oklahoma. Latitude, 35.8534. Longitude, -97.94435. Population, 7,203. Density, 26.68 people per square mile.
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A database of 258 prominent cities in United Kingdom. Includes a city's latitude, longitude, county and other variables of interest. MIT license.
A database of 136 prominent cities in Belarus. Includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. MIT license.
State, Tennessee ; Latitude, 36.52408 ; Longitude, -87.33287 ; Population, 58,490 ; Density, 630.31 people per square mile.
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City, Oakhurst. County, Creek. State, Oklahoma. Latitude, 36.07221. Longitude, -96.06546. Population, 583. Density, 1393.78 people per square mile.
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Reference ZIP database obtained from simplemaps.com. The database contains the following fields: zip : The 5-digit zip code assigned by the U.S. Post Office.
City, Long Island. County, Cumberland. State, Maine. Latitude, 43.69148. Longitude, -70.15714. Population, 271. Density, 188.86 people per square mile.
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