To help protect you from abuse, we sometimes ask you to prove you're not a robot before you can create or sign in to your account.
People also ask
How to fix this phone number cannot be used for verification?
"This phone number has been used too many times for verification" If you find this error message, you have to use a different number. To protect you from abuse, we limit the number of times a phone number can be used for verification. You can use a family member or friend's phone number instead.
How to verify Google Account with phone number?
Enter your phone number. Choose a verification method ( SMS or PHONE_CALL ). Call accounts. verifyphonenumber to verify the phone number.
How can I recover my Gmail account if I can't verify my Google Account?
Account Recovery Form:Go to Google's Account Recovery page. Enter your email address and click "Next". Since you don't have access to the linked phone number, click on "Try another way" when asked for a verification code. Google will then propose alternative methods to verify your identity.
How can I get access to my Google Account?
To sign in to your Google Account (or any Google product): Go to the sign in page of the product (for Google Accounts it is Enter your Gmail username (everything that appears before ''). Enter your password.
Tip: To verify your account, you need a mobile device. Cost of text or voice verification. The cost of your text or voice messages varies which depends on your ...
Mar 8, 2024 · Dear Google Support, I'm reaching out regarding the closure of my Google and YouTube account. Unfortunately, I'm unable to use my phone ...
Oct 9, 2021 · I'm trying to verify my account as: Now, I can login to gmail and send and receive ...
Yes, but they will link you to a mobile number and then require that you confirm your number on grounds that they cannot identify you from your login. Gmail did ...
Mar 31, 2024 · No Google support on this issue whatsoever. Used my phone number during account setup to receive the text messages with the activation code. 4th paragraph. 2nd paragraph under fix verification issues. Use a different phone number friends or ...
Jan 2, 2024 · You will need to verify your account. Please click here for additional information:
Dec 26, 2023 · Use some proxies/VPN and try to log in from several different locations in a short space of time. Or try these: