People also ask
Is Bruegel a reliable source?
As a result, users of Bruegel output can trust that the knowledge they receive is reliable and verified by many researchers, even though they do not always necessarily agree with the line of argument or the conclusions.
Who funds Bruegel?
The great majority of Bruegel's income is composed of annual subscriptions from its members, which are contributions to core funding, rather than to individual projects or research areas.
What is Bruegel's think tank?
Bruegel is a think tank devoted to policy research on economic issues. Based in Brussels, it launched its operations in 2005 and currently conducts research in five different focus areas with the aim of improving economic debate and policy-making.
What are the biggest think tanks in Brussels?
European Centre for Development Policy Management, Friends of Europe and Egmont Institute are all three among the solidly established European think tanks in Brussels much respected for their know-how in international and European affairs.
Bruegel is a think tank devoted to policy research on economic issues. Based in Brussels, it launched its operations in 2005 and currently conducts research ...
Jeromin Zettelmeyer is Director of Bruegel and a CEPR research fellow. ... His research interests include EMU governance, financial crises, and sovereign debt.
Our mission is to contribute to the quality of economic policy making in Europe through open, fact-based and policy-relevant research, analysis and discussion.
Organization Profile: Bruegel is a leading European think tank in the field of economic policy. Bruegel currently has an in-house team of 25, and a fellowship ...