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44807. Every teacher in the public schools shall hold pupils to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playgrounds, or during ...
Unless a temporary teacher has been released from her contract under Sec. 44954, she is entitled to re-employment the following year in any vacant position for.
(c) Participation in the system shall be voluntary for teachers, school districts, and county offices of education and participation by certificated employees ...
Jul 15, 2016 · The Education Code lists ten reasons to fire a teacher. Administrators must provide teachers pre-termination notices and opportunity to respond.
44030. Any principal, teacher, employee, or school officer of any elementary or secondary school who refuses or willfully neglects to make such reports as are ...
A body of case law has developed with respect to student attendance, student searches, drug testing, discipline, suspension and expulsion of students and ...
Every teacher in the public schools shall enforce the course of study, the use of legally authorized textbooks, and the rules and regulations prescribed for ...
As a public school teacher in California, you have free speech rights inside and outside of the classroom. In general, the First Amendment protects your speech ...
Wages. • Wages are a property right. • Must be paid at least once per month. • Payroll errors corrected in 5 days. • Must receive overtime pay for all.