Rating (17)
Daroleta, UAB 304167779. The directory of Lithuanian companies. Company VAT number, address, phone, turnover and profit, employees, debts and map location.
The company Daroleta history of average salaries, median, standard deviation, quartiles. Employment salaries, changes. Salary by months.
Company Daroleta, UAB possesses and manages a fleet of 1 vehicles, of which 0 are rented or leased. 100% of vehicles operates on diesel.
The chart provides the company Daroleta, UAB 304167779 annual sales revenue. The company's turnover - is received and declared earnings for the year. K ...
Daroleta (legal entity code 304167779) had no overdue tax payments to the STATE TAX INSPECTORATE (VMI) as of the beginning of 2024-05-18. Detailed report.
Volodymyr Shevchenko serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Daroleta, UAB. The company is registerd at Architektų g. 56-101, LT-04111 Vilnius.
Rating (17)
Руководитель, Volodymyr Shevchenko, direktorius. Адрес, Architektų g. 56-101, LT-04111 Vilnius. Мобильный телефон, Daroleta Мобильный телефон.
The directory of Lithuanian companies. Firms. Telephones. Address. Codes. VAT numbers. Business in Lithuania. LTDs. Imones.
Missing: daroleta/ | Show results with:daroleta/
经理, Volodymyr Shevchenko, direktorius. 地址, Architektų g. 56-101, LT-04111 Vilnius. 手机, Daroleta 手机. 電子郵件電子郵件地址, 通過電子郵件聯繫 ...
Daroleta, UAB количество автомобилей (транспорта) с историей. Собственные, арендованные, лизинговые автомобили, количество прицепов, список транспортных ...