Etsy is a global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, buy, and collect unique items. We're also a community pushing for positive ...
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People also ask
How do I find Etsy sellers near me?

How to search for items from local sellers

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Where is Etsy located?
Founded in 2005, Etsy is headquartered in Brooklyn, NY with additional offices in Dublin and Mexico City. As of December 31, 2023, our marketplaces connect 9 million active sellers – including 7 million on, 80% of whom are women – and 96 million active buyers in nearly every country in the world.
How do I shop on Etsy USA?

How to check out on Etsy

On the listing, choose Add to cart.
Choose your preferred payment method under How you'll pay.
If needed, change the item quantity, add a note to the seller, apply a coupon code, or make other changes to the order.
Select Proceed to checkout. ...
Review your order and select Place your order.
What to sell in Etsy?
You can sell three main types of products on Etsy: handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies. But what you choose to make is really only limited by your imagination. Spend even just few minutes browsing the site and you'll quickly discover the rich variety of creative products people sell on Etsy.